AdvantEdge supports the the NSWC Advanced Radars Group at NSWC PHD. We perform significant work task elements for the test installation of the next generation of the DDG-1000 Volume Search Radar at Surface Weapons Engineering Facility at Port Hueneme.
DDG-1000 Volume Search Radar
AdvantEdge Technology installed the primary power system, security system, video system, test network, signal cable system and supports and surveilance marine radar. We also installed a 150 foot tall test target feedhorn tower.

DDG-1000 Volume Search Radar

AdvantEdge supports the the NSWC Advanced Radars Group at NSWC PHD. We perform significant work task elements for the test installation of the next generation of the DDG-1000 Volume Search Radar at Surface Weapons Engineering Facility at Port Hueneme.
AdvantEdge Technology installed the primary power system, security system, video system, test network, signal cable system and supports and surveilance marine radar. We also installed a 150 foot tall test target feedhorn tower.